This story is from September 24, 2018

What does “Nazar Lagna" mean? Does it actually exist?

Have you realised how you feel happy and full of energy around certain people and on the other hand feel drained and negative when you are surrounded by some people?
What does “Nazar Lagna" mean? Does it actually exist?
If you belong to an Indian household, you may have memories of your mother or grandmother putting a "kaala teeka" on your forehead or behind your ears, before you step out of the house on a special occasion.
You may also remember not telling certain people about good things happening in your life because their envy may end up hampering your growth.
In fact, people have always feared the evil eye.
If someone starts falling sick regularly for no apparent reason, things start going wrong professionally or personally even after one's best efforts or you keep hitting roadblocks in literally everything you do--it is said to be the work of the evil eye--well at least some believe so.
So, what exactly is an evil eye? Do you need to ward it off? Let us break it down for you. The whole concept of “evil eye” or “Nazar Lagna” essentially revolves around the human aura. All of us have an aura around us. Aura is believed to be the human energy shield, also known as a subtle body. Interestingly, your aura is the first thing to pick the energy of a person or a place.
Have you realised how you feel happy and full of energy around certain people and in certain places, and on the other hand feel drained and negative when you are surrounded by some people? Some people or objects have negative auras and as a result, it saps us out of energy. While positive and happy people have positive auras that leaves us energised.
It is said that when we are around someone with a positive aura, we draw positivity from them, and on the other hand we lose our energy and feel drained around people with negative aura. In the local language, the supposed act of falling prey to the evil eye is known as “Nazar Lagna.”
Many superstitions believe that to ward of the effects of an evil eye--the harm caused by a sinister glare--one must put a black dot (kaala teeka) on the face where one can see prominently and wear a black thread in the arms or ankles or use rock salt.
Ultimately, the concept of the evil eye is very simple to understand. The belief stems from the fact anyone who is doing fairly well as compared to others in his/her life or has achieved greater recognition inadvertently attracts the envy of those around him/her. It is also believed that sometimes even an adoration of something beautiful and pretty can result in draining of his/her energy.
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