
UX Collective

Woman with colorful glasses

Our industry needs more designers. Most importantly: a different type of designer →

We often receive messages from our readers asking for tips on how to take their first steps into the world of digital product design. And they’re not alone. Experienced designers who are mentoring younger folks sometimes find it hard to compile resources that (1) won’t get old in a 6-month timeframe (2) are not clickbaity content backed by for-profit companies and (3) give people some guidance and invite reflection. There is plenty of content out there, but how can we make it more actionable to those who are getting started?

So we decided to put together a guide... Read more

The UX Collective is a platform to elevate unheard design voices all over the world, reaching over 372,800 designers every week. Curated by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga.
Stories from the community
Abstract painting
Expressing temporality in interfaces →
Two steps of a mobile app payment flow
Don’t be afraid of friction in UX →
Candles shaped as the number 12
12 lessons of design →
"Many times, people ask, 'what dimensions of diversity should I focus on?' And my answer is “those historically left out.” When you think about this current climate, we are seeing Black people hurting, Black people begging to be free of constant fear, Black people advocating to be treated equitably. But you can be Black and LGBTQ+, Black and over 75, Black and have a disability, Black and of lower socioeconomic status. Companies must think intersectionally to really build lasting, systemic change. Stack ranking dimensions doesn’t work, because we all have so many dimensions that make us who we are."

The Time is Now: on product inclusion, a pandemic, and building with equity in mind →
News & ideas
Structure vs. look →
Structure changes more slowly than look&feel.
Dead fish →
Bret Victor on the essence of digital art.
Who’s talking →
What tech companies assume about users.
Being Black →
39 creatives talk being Black in our industry.
Illustration of a woman
Illustration of a woman
Illustration of a woman
Illustration of two women

Featured work: Stina Persson →

Tools & resources
CSS grids →
Modern solutions to common layout problems.
Screeener →
Magically insert screens into keynote mockups.
Mmhmm →
Turn your zoom calls into a show.
Figma shortcuts →
Tips to fasten your Figma workflow.
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we created the design newsletter we have always wanted to receive.

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Suggestions, links, and Medium stories:

Fabricio Teixeira
Caio Braga